more commonlyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Sum bands are more commonly observed than difference bands in vibrational spectra
  2. This evaporated moisture is known as water vapor or more commonly, humidity.
  3. But more commonly, the Court would deny jurisdiction where there was uncertainty.
  4. The practice is more commonly associated with hunters using bows and arrows.
  5. Wahid, more commonly known as Gus Dur, said in a telephone interview.


  1. "more clever"の例文
  2. "more closely"の例文
  3. "more cole espanol"の例文
  4. "more colorful"の例文
  5. "more comfortable"の例文
  6. "more comparable"の例文
  7. "more compassionate"の例文
  8. "more competitive"の例文
  9. "more complex"の例文
  10. "more complicated"の例文
  11. "more colorful"の例文
  12. "more comfortable"の例文
  13. "more comparable"の例文
  14. "more compassionate"の例文

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